Rage against the machine II

An 'SOS' text has been sent out, 
wanna test run 'Project Retro', the 32years 'machine' for a 300kms 'run, on it's reliability and to check for hiccup ...

.. meeting point will be 0530hrs on top of a familiar fly-over, feel free to tag along ...

- some buddies 'heard' it and show up earlier,.. waiting ...before the sunrise...

- we ride on, with sun rising at our back -

.. first coffee break at a 'retro'-cafe ...

.. make-shift basin ..

.. and a make-shift toilet ...

.. this is where your 'discharge' probably flow ...

.... Below are the buddies that showed up and ride along...
... and we had a bleedy 'crackling' time .....

Thanks buddies !!! .. till next time...

.. after the run., only some minor sepage from the left hand side cylinder head, 

note - need to tighten the bolt to torque.