this is where the real NIGHTMARE begin....

stopped to evaluated the condition and try to figured out a way to ride on this damn muddy road.....

i expect to drop my wheel on this kind of shit.....

no photos are available from this point onward, due to the intense incidents and riding in a total darkness rainy night with more gravel, more mud, more bike sliding and more of everything a biker can imagine.....

This is what all we can see through out the night x 3 times worsened by distorted& Fogged up vision due to the rain, your just have to be there yourself to witness and experience it ....luckily we only have to go through this once.....

but... the next challenge after this is NO fuel station for the next 100kms after the gravel road ended...and we have to hunt for fuel at Kelabakan village, filled our tanks with some local pre-mixed gas with 2T oil in plastic mineral bottles....can't be a chooser when you are low in fuel...and more rainy night ride ahead till we reached TAWAU around 1am...

damn...we have been riding for 18 solid words can describe how our bodies feel....sleep is the only thing everyone desperately need right now......