Ride Slower, See More, Travel Further...

Many months ago we only ride around town in high high speed and kept complaining there is no place to ride in Brunei. But recently when mates & i slow down our riding pace and increase our traveling distance than i realise that we been missed out quite some good things in life..

During our bike trip to Tasek Merimbun today, we saw how the rural area has developed..how bad is the flood in the village due to the overnight rain...we noticed things that we don't usually pay attention to...we enjoyed the journey more & we can admire the environment even more. so i deeply believe that there are quite some nice places to go in Brunei...it's just the matter of.. plan the ride, slow down & look around, rather than fly pass in high speed and miss-out what our country can offer to us...or maybe having a KENALI NEGARA KITA dengan motosikal ( Knowing Our Country With Motorcycle) Ride will be nice...